Edgar Allan Poe – May Queen Ode

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Fairies guard the Queen of May,
Let her reign in Peace and Honor —
Every blessing be upon her;
May her future pathway lie,
All beneath a smiling sky.…”
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“May Queen Ode” is a poem that was attributed to Edgar Allan Poe. No known manuscript of the original exists; it was recorded from memory by Harriet Virginia Scott, who was able to recall one of the four or five stanzas of the original. It was first published in October 1844 by The Columbian Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine.

This article features a text version of “May Queen Ode by Edgar Allan Poe.

May Queen Ode – PDF

A PDF copy of “May Queen Ode” can be downloaded using the menu in the app below.

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May Queen Ode
Edgar Allan Poe

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Fairies guard the Queen of May,
Let her reign in Peace and Honor —
Every blessing be upon her;
May her future pathway lie,
All beneath a smiling sky.